When friend of The Locksmith Journal, and industry skills and qualification expert Mick Clayton misplaced his garage keys (and couldn’t access his Christmas decorations), he reached out to our very own Rob Exley. Rob, Director of The Locksmith Journal knows … Continue reading →
It’s interesting how personal experiences can help shape new journeys and steer you towards different trades (such as locksmithing). This is what happened to Josh De Asha from Open Key Locksmiths, Liverpool, whose interest in locksmithing came about from actually … Continue reading →
We caught up with Robert Carney of Arc Locksmiths in Manchester, whom has been a locksmith since 1988 and is in his 35th year of business. Bob (for short) has worked in the industry his entire career since leaving school, … Continue reading →
60 years ago people were going crazy over The Beatles in America and BBC2 starting broadcasting. This was also the beginning of Anglia Locksmiths. It all began when my late father Ray Ward had a small decorating shop in the … Continue reading →
We caught up with Gary Wraight whom made a significant career change by transitioning from sales into running a LockFit franchise in Romford, Essex. After working in sales for much of his career, he craved the flexibility and autonomy that … Continue reading →
We caught up with Barrie Howell of Owl Locksmiths & Security based in Hayle, South West of Cornwall. Contemplating retirement, Barrie told us it’s not yet time to hang up his lockpicks yet! Supporting his family and earning a decent … Continue reading →
There’re so many routes into locksmithing, Simon Brown from StockLock in Stockport explains how locksmithing became an additional trade that fitted in ‘nicely’ with everything else he was doing. His service offering is continuously growing with the latest addition being … Continue reading →
We caught up with Able2Access, a well-established business in Leicester with a 15-year history, that has recently undergone a change in ownership. The company was acquired by Sara Farrington and Brett Howard, both of whom were former employees with a … Continue reading →
We had the pleasure of catching up with one of, if not the, UK’s oldest locksmiths! Dennis Cozzi is still working in the locksmith trade at the grand age of 85, running A & D Cozzi based in Stevenage along … Continue reading →
We caught up with this new locksmith Jim Eaton of Eaton Locksmiths Based in Moulton, Northwich. After working for the Police for 15 years, an unfortunate accident led Jim into resuming his locksmithing studies and starting his own business… Tell … Continue reading →
Jonas King (who had an escapology obsession as a child) built a business based on fair and honest work in Huntingdon. Proud to offer a first-class customer service this award-winning locksmith covers East Anglia, Norwich to Ipswich, and everywhere in-between. … Continue reading →
Stelios Papa of All City Locksmiths Ltd, based in Blackheath south-east London, told us about his extraordinary journey into locksmithing. Originally a barber, Stelios cut hair for over 10 years managing two barber shops in Kent, he told us all … Continue reading →
The Locksmith Journal team attended a recent Souber® Tools event in Neston where we had the pleasure of meeting a variety of locksmiths, and window and door fitting companies. We spoke to Liam Roberts of NR Windows Ltd who is proud … Continue reading →
Before donning the title of a locksmith and becoming a LockFit franchisee, Jordan embarked on a diverse career path that reads more like an adventure novel than a professional biography. From the heat of the kitchen as a chef to … Continue reading →