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5 Security Challenges Faced by HMO Landlords

Lock bumping is a major issue for insurance purposes since it doesn’t leave any trace of forced entry. Today, police and insurers are more aware of the issue. However, it is better to avoid difficulties altogether by installing HMO compliant door locks that a criminal can’t “bump.”

Most tenants are decent, law-abiding individuals. However, you may sometimes get people renting your properties with a shady history. For this reason, it’s essential for landlords to use professional tenant screening services. These agencies check things like employment references, criminal records and credit histories. They can also ask previous landlords for references.

UK law demands that landlords conduct regular safety checks of HMO properties. For instance:

  • Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (2020) demand that landlords carry out checks of all electrics once every five years and issue reports to tenants
  • Gas safe regulations require testing of all gas appliances in the property at least once per year

Landlords should also check alarms and security systems such as fire alarms, burglar alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.

Routine maintenance is critical for maintaining the value of your HMO property. However, it’s also necessary for keeping tenants safe and secure; such as sweeping the chimney and replacing broken furniture to prevent injury. Repairing perimeter fencing, installing new HMO compliant locks and fixing poorly-fitting windows and doors all help to enhance security and protect residents from burglars.

Lastly, property inventories are lists detailing the condition of your HMO property and all of the items that it contains; typically carried out at the start and end of tenancy agreements. Always give tenants a copy of the property inventory with clearly detailed descriptions of the property’s existing condition. If necessary, you can also use software to create detailed records, ensuring that everyone is on the same page from the outset.