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Trusted innovation in the most demanding of environments

Established in 1973, Securikey has been a trusted partner to many UK companies and institutions, supplying a comprehensive range of innovative safety and security products which meet the most demanding of environments and specifications.

Combining technical expertise and knowledge of security with continued evaluation of customer experience and development of products, Securikey provide peace of mind and protection to people, buildings and businesses alike as a leading supplier of safes, key safes and cabinets, padlocks and other physical security products .

Having recently renewed its membership with Secured by Design (SBD), the official police security initiative, Jeremy Cassady, Securikey, said: “The extra visibility we achieve from our membership of SBD has enabled Securikey to put its people and products in front of customers that we had been unable to do prior to membership. When you combine this with the support and suggestions to increase sales areas given by SBD then it’s a positive outcome for us and our distributors”.

Securikey has also added to their extensive range of SBD products, with their Turnbull Gun Cabinets achieving Police Preferred Specification.

The Turnbull 1 Gun Cabinet weighs 64kgs and has a solid steel body and door, multi point locking with VdS class safe lock and 2 keys, 4 handy storage compartments built into the rear of the door, a weapons holder and can take up to 7 weapons

The larger Turnbull 2 Gun Cabinet weighs 84kgs and has a solid steel body and door, multi point locking with VdS class safe lock and 2 keys, 4 handy storage compartments built into the rear of the door, a weapons holder and can take up to 9 weapons.

Both Gun Cabinets are supplied with trigger locks to prevent accidental discharge of firearms during transportation. The Turnbull Gun Cabinets have been tested to SS302 at Sold Secure to ensure that they comply with the proposed changes to the testing and certification of the storage of guns.

SBD Development Officer Lyn Poole said: “Securikey has been with us since 2015 and extended their SBD product range to now include as well as the safes and vaults , Institutional Mirrors (anti ligature) and last year their Gun Cabinets.”